Selasa, 02 September 2008

The lost years of Jesus Christ

The savior was "only" twelve, but to the tribe in which he was born, he was "already" twelve. Boys of that age got engaged to girls chosen by their parents. And the Savior's father too had chosen a girl for his son. The Engagement Ceremony was fixed for the next day. And The Savior had to make it clear to his mother that the engagement and ceremony were not part of his destiny. He had to travel, to go further east, to learn, to study...

So He traveled further east with the Caravan. He would insist on doing menial jobs like dishwashing, washing clothes. That was not a pleasing sight at all.

In the East, in India, The Savior took a special interest in the teachings of Krishna, The Avataar who preceded him by 3000 years. He became the first foreign student to receive the title "Krishto" in recogniction of his mastery of Krishna's teachings and insights.

From the Indian mainland, The Savior traveled to The Land of Eternal Snows. Himaavat as it was called then and is now known as Tibet. There he had his initiation into the secret doctrines of Tantra.

Many of the followers later wanted to project him as a "born" Savior and therefore rejected what they called "Theories about lost years". A born Savior indeed he was. The son of Man was born to save our world from destruction. The savior had come to change the course of human history.

The savior was almost 30 when he finally got back to his homeland. One of the students, his colleague and cousin, greeted him in the traditional Himalayan way by sprinkling some water upon his head. The cousin had never been to the Himalayas. He had picked up the tradition from one of the visiting priests from there. Ever since the birth of the Savior, our small commune was frequently visited by the Pious Ones, the Great Souls, the Mahaatmaas from the himalayas.

Our savior's earthly father did not survive to celebrate his son's homecoming. His mother and siblings rejoiced, even though they knew that he was no longer theirs alone; that he belonged to the whole world, the entire universe...

Soul Quest, Anand Krishna, page 112-114

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