Selasa, 02 September 2008

The lost years of Jesus Christ

The savior was "only" twelve, but to the tribe in which he was born, he was "already" twelve. Boys of that age got engaged to girls chosen by their parents. And the Savior's father too had chosen a girl for his son. The Engagement Ceremony was fixed for the next day. And The Savior had to make it clear to his mother that the engagement and ceremony were not part of his destiny. He had to travel, to go further east, to learn, to study...

So He traveled further east with the Caravan. He would insist on doing menial jobs like dishwashing, washing clothes. That was not a pleasing sight at all.

In the East, in India, The Savior took a special interest in the teachings of Krishna, The Avataar who preceded him by 3000 years. He became the first foreign student to receive the title "Krishto" in recogniction of his mastery of Krishna's teachings and insights.

From the Indian mainland, The Savior traveled to The Land of Eternal Snows. Himaavat as it was called then and is now known as Tibet. There he had his initiation into the secret doctrines of Tantra.

Many of the followers later wanted to project him as a "born" Savior and therefore rejected what they called "Theories about lost years". A born Savior indeed he was. The son of Man was born to save our world from destruction. The savior had come to change the course of human history.

The savior was almost 30 when he finally got back to his homeland. One of the students, his colleague and cousin, greeted him in the traditional Himalayan way by sprinkling some water upon his head. The cousin had never been to the Himalayas. He had picked up the tradition from one of the visiting priests from there. Ever since the birth of the Savior, our small commune was frequently visited by the Pious Ones, the Great Souls, the Mahaatmaas from the himalayas.

Our savior's earthly father did not survive to celebrate his son's homecoming. His mother and siblings rejoiced, even though they knew that he was no longer theirs alone; that he belonged to the whole world, the entire universe...

Soul Quest, Anand Krishna, page 112-114

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The hidden story of three magis.

The story of three wise men from the east, the three magis or majus, the three kings, some even call them the three shepherds, perhaps meaning the three nomads...

Nomads, yes, I like the term... nomads indeed, we were. We had been looking for signs, sign on earth and in the skies. We followed the age old tradition of carrying various items belonging to three different masters who had left their bodies in the last 500 years.

I was carrying with me, an old worn out robe of the Awakened One, the Buddhas. My chinese friend was carrying a copy of Tao Teh Ching, a compilation of some of the teachings of Lao Tze, the Greatest Mind ever born in China. Similarly, our Egyptian friend had a very fine replica of the Great Temple of Giza, now mistaken as just another pyramid and tomb, a great one though, greatest of all.

Now, this is very interesting...

Both, the robe and the book were in the boxes, separate boxes. Mine was an Indian rosewood box with rare germs and ivory inlaid. My Chinese friend's was a reddish looking lacquered box with mother of pearl inlaid. It was our Egyptian friend who did not have any covering for the replica of the Pyramid he was carrying. Finely crafted in gold with crystal top, the replica had diamonds and other glittering gems on each side where the energies of the Pyramid were at their highest level.

We presented all those items to the divine child....A long with musk oil and myrrh perfume, choicest incense, silks and some other gifts... It was not the night of His birth of course, it was several months later, when the child was almost a year old... The divine child immediately approached the rosewood box and tried opening with His small hands... We shed tear of joy... We knew His messiah... as savior of the world...

Later One of the three nomads (The Nomad from India) was blessed with a special role to play, to facilitate and help in The Savior's Mission where He spent almost 17 years (The Lost Years of Jesus Christ) to travel, to go further east, to learn, to study the teachings of the Buddhas and the Avatars of previous times.

Christ of Kashmiris, Anand Krishna, page 173-174

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"Taubah or Metanoia" and "Baptejo (Baptize) or Shaktipaat"

"Taubah" or "Metanoia"
If you have a problem identifying our Hero with Jesus the Christ, or Isa, the Prophet - then let us just call him Yuzu Asaph. Asaph means "The Gatherer". He came to Kasmir, as the Kashmiris believe, to gather the Children of God and lead them back to the Godhead,to the divine source within. He came to show us all the way to Taubah - the Way Back to the Self. The word "Taubah" would later be translated as "Metanoia" in Greek, which still keep the same meaning. But, later when translated as "Repentance" in English, it lost its meaning.

Taubah or Metanoia indicates the soul's return journey. It is the journey from the "little self" to "The Self". When you do wrong, it is not enough that you repent. But, as the Great Teacher Himself once said, "You must not repeat the same mistake..."

Sins is reversible.

Sins are like mistakes. One can learn from the past mistakes and decide not to repeat them...." Go within; see how pure you are... The layer of dirt outside are concealing the beauty, purity and sanctity inside - all must be cleaned, cleansed.

"You don't have to be pure, for you are already pure. You don't have to be holy, for you are already holy. You don't have to do anything to sanctify your soul, for your soul is sanctified by the Holy Spirit every moment."


"Baptejo (Baptize)" or "Shaktipaat"

"Baptize" is a distortion of "baptejo". It is a combination of three words: Ba, an abbreviation of Bhagavan, meaning Divine, Apah meaning Water, and Teja meaning Energy or Light.

Baptejo is an ancient Initiation Ritual,very common in the East. In this particular ritual, a spiritual seeker must go through the cleansing process, for which water is symbolically used, the charged with spiritual energy, for which a qualified master is required. This is the ritual that Jesus had to go through, in which John the Baptist, posed as the living master to charge him with the energy He would require for his work in Jerusalem. John, the baptist didn't initiate Jesus in the spiritual Science. For that, our Jesus had gone through several initiations and attunements while in the Himalayas. While baptizing people before Jesus - he was actually preparing them to be able to hear Jesus' message. Thus, John played a very important role in the ministry of our Hero.

But, for now we must go back to Saint Thomas and his wonderful prayer - An important part of the sacred ritual. In Sanskrit it is called "Shaktipaat" - the discharge of power. It is much more powerful than the normal ritual of Baptejo. In this process, which Thomas had learnt from his guru, our Hero Yeshu, or Jesus, Isa or Yuzu Asaph - the initiate is not only recharged with energy, but enveloped with power. The guru discharges it, and the disciple receives it in gratitude.

Our Hero was also known as a Great Healer. He was the greatest among the healers. He not only healed the body, but also brought the wavering mind back to its center, to the realm of the soul within - and the soul then realized its destiny.

Christ of Kashmiris, Anand Krishna, page 158-159

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Miraculously produced "Photograph" of Jesus

On December 25th, 1987, Christmas was being celebrated as usual by Sathya Sai Baba at Prashanti Nilayam, in India. As usual thousands of devotees from all over the world had assembled for this unforgettable expression of unity among world religions and cultures. Sai Baba was walking among the lines of eager devotees giving Darshan when one of them stood up with his camera and asked Sai Ram (as he is affectionately called) to wait for a moment while the devotee snapped a picture. Sai Baba joked with him that there were a number of shops outside where he can procure photographs, why did he want yet another photograph? But the devotee persisted and he finally agreed, but curiously after the picture was taken, Sai Baba uncharacteristically told him to go and get the film developed. When the photographer got the film developed, to the surprise of all it turned out to be a picture of Jesus, not of Sai Baba. Evidently he wanted to impress upon them that all Avataras of God come from the same essence and in that sense are One. As Sai Baba says of such mysterious phenomena: "No one can understand my mystery. The best you can do is get immersed in it."

Sathya Sai Baba

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Mary Magdalene or Mary Magadhi...!

Mary, His spiritual consort whom he very lovingly began calling Magadhi - from Magadh.

Magadh, then was one of the important kingdoms in the Indian Subcontinent. The people of Magadh were beautiful. They were the first to adopt the republican system of government. Theirs was the first true democracy in the written history of modern india, which is also no less than 2500 years old.

Buddha very frequently visited the kingdom of Magadh during his travels, so did our Hero... perhaps, in the foot steps of the Awakened One. When he went back to Jerusalem, He carried back those sweet memories of Magadh. He carried back many stories from Magadh. Especially one name associated with Magadh and the neighboring kingdom of Vaishali, that of the courtesan Amrapali - remained with Him.

Amrapali, the courtesan, was the first woman disciple of Buddha. The Buddhist historians however,deprived her of that identity, title and privilege. A courtesan as the first woman disciple - it was a bit too much. So, although they acknowledge her as Buddha's disciple - the honor of being the first woman disciple was "transferred" to Buddha's stepmother who was also his aunt, Queen Prajapati.

Amrapali was also the first disciple - not only the first woman disciple, but the first disciple - to build a vihara, a place to rest for the Buddha and his followers. The famous vihara at Sarnath near Varanasi or Benaras - was commissioned by her.

The Awakened One had seen her soul and he was very much delighted at the progress she made - the unawake followers could only see her body - the body of a courtesan - and they were not very happy with the kind of attention she received from their Master. Unaffected by public opinion however, Amrapali moved ever closer and closer to Buddha... nearer and nearer to her own Buddha-hood.

Jesus, our Hero, was moved by the story of Amrapali... Later, He would find his own Amrapali in Maria... So, He called her Magadhi... Church historians would like us to believe that Magdalene was the same as Bethany. No, it was not. Mary Magdalene is Mary "Magadhi" - who lived in the small town of Bethany.

Christ of Kashmiris, Anand Krishna, page 183-186

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Mary Magdalene, The Jesus'Childhood Fiance

The Savior was "only" twelve, but to the tribe in which he was born, he was already twelve. Boys of that age got engaged to girls chosen by their parents. And the Savior's father too had chosen a girl for his son. She was eleven then. The engagement ceremony was fixed for the next day. And The Savior had to make it clear to his mother that his engagement and ceremony were not part of his destiny. He had to travel, to go further east, to learn, to study... for 17-18 years.

He was finally 30 when He finally got back to his homeland. His mother and siblings rejoiced, even though they knew that he was no longer theirs alone, that He belonged to the whole world, the entire universe.

Then one day, by chance, he met his childhood fiance. And he was pained to see her trading her body for some silver. Her parents had died leaving her with a younger brother and sister to take care of. The "man" within him cried. He held himself responsible for their misfortune. Naturally therefore, they become the first recipients of his grace. They became his first followers. They were the first souls to be saved.

The savior did not mind coming down to their level to lift them up. He did not mind getting dirty for them. Criticism did not matter, "These are the very people I have come for. The sick, the poor and the down trodden - they need him more than anybody else"

It was very risky and dangerous. Moreover the criticism was not doing any good. The Savior's reputation was at stake. Why was He, then, so engrossed in saving one little soul - an ex-fiance? Moreover, in saving that one soul, he could be rejected by the masses. But the Savior went on with his work, undisturbed by whatever people said about him.

One of the Savior's own blood brothers, one of his siblings, thought the same way. Indeed, most of his inner and innermost circle thought that way.

In the meantime, those in power, head of religious institutions and puppet rulers working under instructions from foreign masters had their own fears too. They were afraid of the Savior's popularity. They were afraid that he would unite the people to revolt against the establishment. Of course the Savior had no such intention, "Let the worldly take care of the world, I come to take care of your soul."

The head of religious institutions blamed the savior for destroying all that they considered holy. They believed in the holiness of timeworn creeds. The Savior believed in holiness itself. They considered doctrines and dogmas as divine and place them above man. Our Savior placed Divinity above all else. But in the same breath, the Savior also added that man was also divine. The earth, the sky, the mountains and the valleys, the sun, moon and stars, trees and animals all were divine.

In their fear, finally they decided to kill the savior. Their creed allowed such killing in the name of religion. The rest of the story is known to all of us. Without any fair trial, he was put behind bars and finally hanged on the cross.

Who was there beside the Savior on that day ? Only three faces - Three ladies. One was his mother, the Blessed Woman who bore him. The other was the woman deeply in love with him, his ex-fiance. And the third was his fiance's sister.

One of the Three Nomads,busy bribing the soldiers on guard. That afternoon we could get the Savior's body, which was thought to be dead by the others. Actually he wasn't dead. He was in deep coma. It took Him three days to come out of the coma. His message of Love, Peace and Harmony that He came to convey, was conveyed already. He was to enter another phase of His life. A life of seclusion in the Himalayas, the mountains he loved and longed to go back to.

Those three women and a handful of other innermost cirlce members then accompanied him to the himalayas, where He spent rest of his life on earth.

Mary Magdalene was no common being, whom he very lovingly began calling Magadhi. Mary Magdalene is Mary "Magadhi" - who lived in the small town of Bethany. She is actually the Manifestation of Maha Maya - The World Mother, the Mother of the universe - The Immortal Mother of all being, the Eternal Consort of the Unmanifest, who can only manifest when she intervenes and wills. She is the power of kundalini of the yogis. She is the Christ Consciousness of Jesus. She is the Shakti, the Primal Energy of the Universe. it was her manifestation as Mary which came later,whom we saw taking birth after Jesus (One years later after Jesus was born).

Why did our Hero leave her and travel to the east? Why couldn't He see the fulfillment of His destiny in her? These and many other whys can only be answered, if we discover Maya in Mary. Maya is Illusion; Maha Maya is the Greatest Illusion.

We are deluded by maya, by Illusion.... Our Hero is about to embark on the path of liberation from all illusions because of the will of Maha Maya. Maya deludes, Maha Maya liberates us from all illusions and delusions.

The greatest illusion is the peak of all illusions... Upon reching that peak we realize that there is nothing at the peak. It is total nothingness up there. At the same time, we also get to see the nature of all things below. She is the Eternal "No", the eternal nothingness, in which all things are found. All Yes-es and Amen-s are but appearing and disappearing, manifesting and unmanifesting on Her Will.

Soul Quest, Anand Krishna, page 112-118

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Evidences of Jesus of the Christians or Yuzu Asaph of the Muslims in Kashmir (India)

Yes, Our Hero, Yeshu, Yeshu, Yeshua, Jesus of Christians is the Nabi or Prophet Isa of the Muslims. He is revered as Saint Issa by the monk of Tibet. He is Isha Putra or Child of God to the Kashmiri Worshippers of Shiva, the All Auspicious One, and Yuzu Asaph to Kashmiri Muslims of Jewish descent.

One such fine quote is from a very old decree/verdict dated 1184 or perhaps 1194 of the Muslim Calendar (Around 1766 A.D.), by the Grand Mufti (The Islamic Religious Judge) of Kashmir :

"It has been established that during the reign of Raja Gopadatta, who had built and repaired many temples, including the Throne of Solomon on the Solomon Hill, Yuzu Asaph came to the valley of Kasmir. Prince by descent, he was pious and saintly and had given up earthly pursuits. He spent all his time in prayers and meditation."

Evidence of Jesus in Kashmir by Professor Fida Hassnain who has spent many, many years in the study of various text, written sources and oral traditions about Jesus in Kashmir and His tomb at Rozabal :

1. From "Kamal-ud-Din" - The Miracle of Faith
Also known as Kashful Hairat or Ikmal-Ud-Din, meaning more or less the same, this very important Persian work was written by the great historian Al Shaikh Said-us-Sadiq, who died at Khurassan in 962. In this book, he had described the travels of Yuzu Asaph, and :

"Then Yuzu Asaph after roaming about in many cities, reached that country which is called Kashmir. He traveled in it far and wide and stayed there and spent his remaining life there, until death overtook him, and he left the earthly body and was elevated towards the light.

"But before his death he sent for a disciple for his, Ba'bad by name, who used to serve him and was well-versed in all matters. He expressed his last will to him and said : My time for departing from this world has come. Carry on your duties properly....

"And directed Ba'bad to prepare a tomb over him at the very place he died. He then stretched his legs towards the West and head towards the East and died. May God bless him."

What a Yogic Way to die...As if He was just leaving for an excursion, all prepared... well prepared!.

2. From "Rajatarangini" - The Accounts of the kings (of Kashmir)
This is a very important historical work in Sanskrit, written by Historian Kalahana in about 1148. It was first translated into English by Aurel Stein in 1900.

In this book, we read the story of Saint Samdhimatti, who is described as the direct disciple of Guru Isana.

3. From "Tarikh-i-Kashmir" - The History of Kashmir

Written by famous Mulla Nadri in the year 1420 A.D., this is the first full record of the History of Kashmir. Having decribed the tomb of our Hero at Rozabal, he writes that :

"I have seen in a book of Hindus that this prophet was really Hazrat Isa (Jesus), the spirit of God,on whom be peace (and salutations) and had also assumed the name of Yuzu Asaph. The real knowledge is with God. He spent his life this (valley). After his departure (his death) he was laid to rest in Mohalla Anzmarah (This is the name of the area where Rozabal is - a.k.). It is also said that lights of prophet-hood used to emanate from the tomb of this Prophet."

4. From "Bhavisya Maha Purana" - The Book of the Future

Perhaps this is the Hindu Text mentioned by Mulla Nadri. The authorship and date of this text, both are lost in antiquity.

"One day, Shalivahan, the chief of the Shakyas, went into the Himalayas. There, in the Land of the Hun (Ladakh, a part of the Kushan empire), the powerful king saw a man sitting on a mountain, who seemed to promise auspiciousness. His skin was fair and he wore white garments.

The king asked the holy man who he was. The other replied : "I am called a son of God, born of a virgin, minister of the non-believers, relentless in search of the truth."

"The king then asked him : 'What is your religion?' The other replied, 'O great king, i come from a foreign country, where there is no longer truth and where evil knows no bounds. In the land of the non-believers, I appeared as the Messiah....

"I was called Isa-Masih."

5. From "The Grub-Tha-Thamas-Chad" - The Glass Mirror

This is Tibetan Translation of an ancient Chinese document entitled "The history of Religions and Doctrines - The Glass Mirror", which contains mention of "Yesu" (Jesus) and his teachings in Asia.

"Yesu, the teacher and founder of the religion, who was born miraculously, proclaimed himself the Savior of the world. He commanded his disciples to observe the ten vows (Ten Commandments), among which includes prohibition of manslaughter and attainment of eternal joy through good deeds. He preached that evil actions plunge one into hell, where there is eternal torment and misery. A sin committed in a state of consciousness cannot be condoned or pardoned. This one of virtuous results emerging out of the teachings of the Buddha. His doctrines did not spread extensively, but survived in Asia, for a long period. The above information is derived from the Chinese treatises on religions and doctrines."

6. From "Bagh-i-Sulaiman" - Garden of Solomon

This is a Persian work written by Mir Saadullah Shahabadi Kashmiri in 1780 A.D. It is a history of Kashmir in Persian verse.

From this work, we learn that Syed-Nasir-ud-din was also buried in Rozabal in 1451 together with our Hero....

"This tomb is significant because of the illuminated grave of a Prophet. All those who visit this sacred place receive aroma of perfumes. It has been narrated that a prince came, abandoned materialistic life, and adopted the path of piety and righteousness. God liked his obedience to Him (and) raised him to the status on an Apostle. He guided the people towards the Truth (and was) a mercy to the valley (of Kashmir). It is due to this reason that his tomb is famous all over the country."

7. From "Tarikh-i-Azami" - The Great history (of Kashmir)

written by famous Kashmiri Historian Khwaja Muhammad Azam, this was first published in 1814. We read a rather detailed description of the tomb in this book :

"Besides that grave (of Syed Nasir-ud-Din in Khaniyar) there is a tomb. It is well known amongst the people of the locality that here lies a Prophet who had come to Kashmir in ancient times. It is now known as the place of the Prophet. I have seen in a book of history that he had come, after great tribulations, from a great distance.

"It is said that a prince, after undergoing a good deal of penance and perseverance and through devotion and prayers, had become the Messenger of God to the people of Kashmir. On reaching Kashmir, he invited people to his religion and after death was laid to rest in Anzmarah...

"In that book the name of the Prophet is given as Yuzu Asaph. Anzmarah is in Khanyar. Many pious people and especially the spiritual guide of the author, Mulla Inayatullah Shaul, says that while visiting the tomb, Divine grace and blessings of Prophet-hood were witnessed."

8. From "Wajees-ut-Tawarikh"

According to another source called Tarikh-i-Hassan, "Wajees" was compiled in 1857 by Abdul Nabi Khanyari.

Our Hero, Yuzu Asaph is mentioned in this document as "Paigambar" or Messenger of God.

King Gopadatta (sometime called Gopananda) is also mentioned in this document and the term of his reign recorded, which corresponds to 49 to 109 A.D.

"The grave of Mir Syed Nasir-ud-din is in Khanyar. The place is also known as Rozabal. It is said that at that place exists the grave of Paigambar Yuzu Azaph. He was a prince who had come to this place. Due to his utmost piety and prayers, he was raised to the status of the Messenger (by God) for the people of Kashmir. He preached among the people. It is said that Raja Gopananda ruled over the country during that period. The aroma of musk used to emanate from a hole in the western wall."

9. From "Qisa Shahzada" - The Story of a Prince

This document comes from the Khuda Baksh Library in Patna,India.Khuda Baksh, the person after whom the library was named, was a lover of books who collected thousands of manuscripts and books.

Qisa Shahzada gives an account of the sojourn of Yuzu Asaph in Kashmir :

"Departing from that town, he visited several other towns preaching to the people. At last he reached the capital city of Kashmir. Having settled there, he called all people towards the Kingdom of God. He stayed there in Kashmir till the last day of his life. At the moment (of his death) he called one of his discipled,who was known amoung the people by the name of Yabid. This disciple had served his master with much devotion and had obtained a high status in the spiritual succession.

"Now making his will, Yuzu Asaph said,"Now at this last moment my spirit is ready to fly towards the Holy One. It is necessary for all of you to follow the Commandments of God. None should go towards the untruth leaving the truth. All of you should adhere to the prayers and hold fast to the truth."

"After saying this, he breathed his last. Dear readers, much wisdom is contained in this story. Understand the hidden wisdom and follow moral and spiritual teachings so that desires for the material world are destroyed from your hearts."

Whoever wrote this story seems to have understood the teachings of our Hero. Unlike the present day preachers, he stood by our Hero in firm conviction that, "Man does not live by bread alone...."

He did not emphasize on heavenly nymphs and worldly comforts, but advocated freedom from material desires.

Christ of Kashmiris, Anand Krishna, page 31-32,35-43

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Senin, 01 September 2008

Jesus Christ, The Young Angry Saint,The untold story of the crucifixion

Jesus has just returned from a long trip overseas, where He spent almost 17 years studying the teachings of the Buddhas and the Avatars of previous times. At the end of it, He discovered that the Buddhas and Avatars were not born such, but rather made. Thereupon, He undertook the arduous task of making, or rather creating such a Buddha, such an Avatar, out of whatever materials were available with Him, within Him.

What are those materials?

Indeed, what are those materials available within each one of us ?

Those are : First, the Power of Firm Will - of firm determination and firm conviction. The power of total faith, which manifest as self confidence.

Second, the Power of Extensive Knowingness. This is not mere knowledge, not book of scriptural knowledge. But the true knowledge based on one's own life experience. This is the truth which can set one free;the truth which enables us to be loving, kind and full of compassion. The truth which connect us with the spirit within every being, indeed within evertything.

and, Third was the Power of Right Action motivated by one's own will power and in line with one's own knowingness.

He firmly believed in this Trinity of Power within - Three yet One, He realized that the Power Within was the source of All Energy which he called "The Divine Mother". It was rightly called so, for as He found out, the source was indeed soft, subtle and sublime. Like a loving mother, the source nurtures us all - not just our bodies but also our minds and emotions.

When this source of all power, this almighty is ignored and marginalized, we start to believe in the forces outside ourselves - and we become hardened, tough and violent. For, the forces outside are masculine in nature.

It is not that the masculine energy is not important. It is. To accomplish all the hard work, masculine energy is needed, muscles are needed. Whereas, the feminine energy is needed to beautify this world, to preserve all that is good in culture and to glorify Mother Nature. Our Hero found out that there was an imbalance between the two. The entire world was expressing masculine energy, thus becoming overly dynamic to the extent of being aggressive, provocative and violent. Some balance had to be brought about. Jesus was convinced about that when he visited the Temple of the Ally Holy in the City of Peace, Jerusalem.

He saw money changers outside the temple. I saw Him getting very, very angry - turning over the tables which the money changers were using : "Clear the holy grounds from the dirty stuff..."

What a rebellious spirit, the greatest among the rebels...! His was a genuine rebellious spirit. He rebelled against the rotten system. He rebelled against the moth-eaten dogmas and doctrines. He didn't comply with the rules of men to please society. He did not come to follow the old, but to initiate the new.

He was the Yuga Purusha - Man of the Age. He changed the course of our history. He was the Messiah, the Christ, the Buddha, the Avatar and The Prophet of the age.

He was alone. There were many money changers and they had plenty of supporters. Even the priests of the temple supported their bussiness practices.

Our Hero did not care. His eyes were angry....As He shouted and screamed at them, His voice trembled - but not from lack of confidence or control. His voice trembled in genuine anger.

Yes, His was a different kind of anger. It was an anger that would liberate, cleanse and purify. When we are angry, we are carried away by our emotion. We lose the sense of right and wrong. But not Him, in anger, He showed an extraordinary mastery over emotions.

Our Hero was against injustice. His anger was against unjust practices. Unfortunately, the money changers had the full support of establishment. They were the tax paying elite of society, paying their dues religiously to both the Roman Government and the Temple Management.

He was never a politician, but he fought for the political and civil rights of His people. Of-course, He fought in his own way, in the way which could not be understood by judas. The rulers however, initially considered Jesus as harmless, for he separated the affairs of Caesars from the affairs of the Heavenly Father.

It was convenient for them to define the "affairs of Caesar" as the "affairs of State", politics and diplomacy. They could not read the truth between the lines, "You shall only reap what you sow.". It was not "will" but definitely "shall". He was actually reprimanding Caesar, "Hey, you better be careful ! "

Not only the Caesar of His time, but even the latter Caesars, Kings, and present day Rulers - find it very inconvenient when our Hero reminds them of the Eternal law of Cause and Effect.

It is far more convenient for them to believe in Him as the Sacrificial Lamb, who died for their sins. The sacrifice, in their opinion, was made for all. Now, they have nothing to fear as along as they religiously confess their sins and pay their religious taxes as required by the church. This religion of convenience suits them all.

Jesus, Jesus, my Lord - what happened to your teachings?

He smiled : "They didn't understand my language, perhaps because I was speaking in parables.", Alas, very few understood those teachings. Even the Church did not, could not, or perhaps chose not to.

A ruling king could easily order the total revision of any scriptures, just because he found it inconvenient to believe in the Law of Reincarnation, "How could I, a king, be reborn as a man of lower stature?"

Our Hero is on the cross and yet He is celebrating life, "forgive them, forgive those people who have nailed me to this cross and believe that they can kill me this way. I shall live on... I know no death, death is fiction... Life is Eternal..."

It is very comfortable to feel that he has died on the cross for all our sins, for the sins of all of us. Why? Because, we are not ready to be nailed the way He was nailed. Isn't it enough that He is nailed, why should we be nailed?

The kind of relation we want to maintain with our Hero is not even human. We consider Him as a sacrificial lamb. We are not ready to make any sacrifices for him. Sacrificing for Him means sacrificing for our fellowmen. It means loving our neighbors as we love him, irrespective of our religious, social, economical and other differences.

Mark 15 : 40-43

"Some women were there , looking on from a distance. Among them were Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of the younger James and of Joseph and Salome. They had followed Jesus while he was in Galilee and had helped him. Many other women who had come to Jerusalem with him were there also."

Mary Magdalene is reported to be at the scene of the Crucifixion. The "other" Mary, the mother of James, Joseph and Salome is no other than Mother Mary. James, Joseph and Salome are His siblings, younger than Him, born of same mother and different fathers.

Later, when Joseph Arimethea and John Nicodemus got to see the body of our Lord... Apparently tired, exhausted and bleeding - our Hero was in a state of deep coma when taken down from the cross. He had not died. Futhermore, Joseph of Arimathea had used his influence on Pilate to take the body within hours of the crucifixion. Our Hero couldn't have died so fast.

Jesus' body had been removed from the "tomb" prepared by Joseph of Arimathea. He was being healed... Later. Thus, our Hero Jesus was saved.... He did not die on the Cross. In our commune we had physicians, we had experts in herbal medicine. We had people who knew what "coma" meant. We also had qualified surgeons. Indeed, we had many knowledgeable and certainly aware people in our group. It took Him three days to come out of the coma.

"When Jesus arrived at the house of our brethren He was faint and weak. His wounds had begun to cause him pain. He was much moved, in that he considered it all as a miracle.

Jesus however wanted to meet his disciples as soon as He could - so the Elders of the Order asked the handful in charge of his recovery to make the following announcement : "Jesus is risen. Do not look for him here. Say to his disciples that they will find him in Galilee."

After meeting with a handful of disciples, it was decided that our Hero must immediately leave Galilee, for the news of His "appearance" would sooner or later reach the ears of those who were looking for him.

So we had to make a drama, a real life drama,or rather a drama within life's drama - He was to "appear" before them. One of The Blessed Women was entrusted with the role of spreading word that the Savior had been resurrected. Indeed the Savior had been resurrected, not just in spirit, but also in body. She did not lie by spreading that word. Again the rest of the story is known to all of us.

Although still very weak, our Hero objected. He wanted to remain with His disciples, but as the "Eye Witness" reports : ".... Joseph and Nicodemus beseeched Him that He save Himself and not again permit himself to fall into the power of the priests."

"And when the Esseer brethren advised Jesus to go to this country, he remembered how the prophets of old were said to have lived in the same place....

"And His mind was made up to go thither, for there he could teach his disciples without fear that his enemies would find his dwelling place, for in that country lived only members of our order, our brehtren."

This place is sometimes referred to as a "place of concealment". Kashmir - the valley of Kashmir in the Himalayas, which is also known as "Heaven on Earth ","the garden of Eden",and "Paradise" - the beautiful Kashmir. It was here, where our Hero laid down his mortal body and rose to immortality of the spirit. It is here, at Rozabal, where the body He shed is still preserved.

Two thousand years after leaving His body, our Hero still works the beautiful valley of Kashmir, infiltrated by the terrorist, torn apart for many years - today Kashmir is regaining her beauty, majesty and glory. Kashmir today is a living proof of the supremacy of Love.

Kashmir bear witness to the triumph of Love. Kashmir proves that Love is the only solution.....

Christ of Kashmiris, Anand Krishna, page 21-24,198-205

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